diff options
authorubq323 <>2023-08-01 22:46:57 +0100
committerubq323 <>2023-08-02 17:46:30 +0100
commit44d10abf342137b303a1c79364631ddb2ada5cc3 (patch)
parent3a86e3a21394a072b9b59c68861325297f5e066d (diff)
remove run_old.c
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/run_old.c b/run_old.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fa540..0000000
--- a/run_old.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#include "run.h"
-#include "ast.h"
-#include "ht.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// return pointer to nth subnode of AST_LIST node *l.
-// doesn't check that l is a list, or that it has at least n elems.
-#define NTH(l,n) (&(l)->as.list.vals[(n)])
-// n is max index
-#define CK_LEN(s, l, n) do { if(l.len-1 != n) { \
- printf("%s fn requires exactly %d args (%ld provided)",\
- s, n, l.len-1); return 0; } } while(0);
-static int func_plus(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("+",l,2);
- return eval(s, l.vals[1]) + eval(s, l.vals[2]);
-static int func_id(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("id",l,1);
- return eval(s, l.vals[1]);
-static int func_minus(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("-",l,2);
- return eval(s, l.vals[1]) - eval(s, l.vals[2]);
-static int func_mult(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("*",l,2);
- return eval(s, l.vals[1]) * eval(s, l.vals[2]);
-static int func_div(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("/",l,2);
- return eval(s, l.vals[1]) / eval(s, l.vals[2]);
-static int func_print(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("print",l,1);
- int v = eval(s, l.vals[1]);
- printf("%d\n",v);
- return v;
-static int func_set(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- CK_LEN("set", l, 2);
- if (l.vals[1].ty != AST_SYMBOL) {
- printf("can only assign to symbols");
- return 0;
- }
- int v = eval(s, l.vals[2]);
- printf(" %p set %s %d\n", (void*)s, l.vals[1].as.str, v);
- ht_put(s, l.vals[1].as.str, v);
- return v;
-static int func_do(Env *s, AstVec l) {
- for (int i = 1; i < l.len; i++) {
- eval(s, l.vals[i]);
- }
- return 0;
-typedef int (*builtin_func)(Env*, AstVec);
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- builtin_func func;
-} BuiltinDesc;
-BuiltinDesc builtins[] = {
- { "+", func_plus },
- { "-", func_minus },
- { "*", func_mult },
- { "/", func_div },
- { "id", func_id },
- { "print", func_print },
- { "set", func_set },
- { "do", func_do },
- { NULL, NULL },
-static int call_builtin(Env *s, char *name, AstVec arglist) {
- for (BuiltinDesc *bd = builtins; bd->name != NULL; bd++) {
- if (0 == strcmp(bd->name, name)) {
- return bd->func(s, arglist);
- }
- }
- printf("couldn't find builtin fn %s\n",name);
- return 0;
-int eval(Env *s, AstNode a) {
- switch (a.ty) {
- case AST_SYMBOL:;
- int v;
- if (ht_get(s,, &v)) {
- return v;
- } else {
- printf("unset variable %s\n",;
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case AST_NUM:
- return;
- break;
- case AST_LIST:;
- AstVec l =;
- if (l.len < 1) {
- printf("can't execute empty list\n");
- return 0;
- }
- AstNode *first = &l.vals[0];
- if (first->ty != AST_SYMBOL) {
- printf("first element of list must be symbol\n");
- return 0;
- }
- return call_builtin(s, first->as.str, l);
- break;
- default:
- printf("???\n");
- return 0;
- }