path: root/apioforum/webhooks.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apioforum/webhooks.py')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apioforum/webhooks.py b/apioforum/webhooks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f539e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apioforum/webhooks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import urllib
+import abc
+import json
+from .db import get_db
+from flask import url_for, flash
+def abridge_post(text):
+ MAXLEN = 20
+ if len(text) > MAXLEN+3:
+ return text[:MAXLEN]+"..."
+ else:
+ return text
+webhook_types = {}
+def webhook_type(t):
+ def inner(cls):
+ webhook_types[t] = cls
+ return cls
+ return inner
+class WebhookType(abc.ABC):
+ def __init__(self, url):
+ self.url = url
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def on_new_thread(self,thread):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def on_new_post(self,post):
+ pass
+def get_webhooks(forum_id):
+ db = get_db()
+ # todo inheritance (if needed)
+ webhooks = db.execute("select * from webhooks where webhooks.forum = ?;",(forum_id,)).fetchall()
+ for wh in webhooks:
+ wh_type = wh['type']
+ if wh_type not in webhook_types:
+ print(f"unknown webhook type {wh_type}")
+ continue
+ wh_url = wh['url']
+ wo = webhook_types[wh_type](wh_url)
+ yield wo
+def do_webhooks_thread(forum_id,thread):
+ for wh in get_webhooks(forum_id):
+ wh.on_new_thread(thread)
+def do_webhooks_post(forum_id,post):
+ for wh in get_webhooks(forum_id):
+ wh.on_new_post(post)
+class FakeWebhook(WebhookType):
+ def on_new_post(self, post):
+ print(f'fake wh {self.url} post {post["id"]}')
+ def on_new_thread(self, thread):
+ print(f'fake wh {self.url} thread {thread["id"]}')
+class DiscordWebhook(WebhookType):
+ def send(self,payload):
+ headers = {
+ "User-Agent":"apioforum (https://g.gh0.pw/apioforum, v0.0)",
+ "Content-Type":"application/json",
+ }
+ req = urllib.request.Request(
+ self.url,
+ json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"),
+ headers
+ )
+ # todo: read response and things
+ urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+ #try:
+ # res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+ #except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
+ # print(f"error {e.code} {e.read()}")
+ #else:
+ # print(f"succ {res.read()}")
+ @staticmethod
+ def field(name,value):
+ return {"name":name,"value":value,"inline":True}
+ def on_new_thread(self,thread):
+ f = self.field
+ db = get_db()
+ forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone()
+ username = thread['creator']
+ userpage = url_for('user.view_user',username=username,_external=True)
+ forumpage = url_for('forum.view_forum',forum_id=forum['id'],_external=True)
+ post = db.execute("select * from posts where thread = ? order by id asc limit 1",(thread['id'],)).fetchone()
+ payload = {
+ "username":"apioforum",
+ "avatar_url":"https://d.gh0.pw/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=wiki:logo.png",
+ "embeds":[
+ {
+ "title":"new thread: "+thread['title'],
+ "description":abridge_post(post['content']),
+ "url": url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread['id'],_external=True),
+ "color": 0xff00ff,
+ "fields":[
+ f('author',f"[{username}]({userpage})"),
+ f('forum',f"[{forum['name']}]({forumpage})"),
+ ],
+ "footer":{
+ "text":thread['created'].isoformat(' '),
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ self.send(payload)
+ def on_new_post(self,post):
+ from .thread import post_jump
+ f = self.field
+ db = get_db()
+ thread = db.execute("select * from threads where id = ?",(post['thread'],)).fetchone()
+ threadpage = url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread['id'],_external=True)
+ forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone()
+ forumpage = url_for('forum.view_forum',forum_id=forum['id'],_external=True)
+ username = post['author']
+ userpage = url_for('user.view_user',username=username,_external=True)
+ payload = {
+ "username":"apioforum",
+ "avatar_url":"https://d.gh0.pw/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=wiki:logo.png",
+ "embeds":[
+ {
+ "title":"re: "+thread['title'],
+ "description":abridge_post(post['content']),
+ "url": post_jump(post['id'],external=True),
+ "color": 0x00ffff,
+ "fields":[
+ f('author',f"[{username}]({userpage})"),
+ f('thread',f"[{thread['title']}]({threadpage})"),
+ f('forum',f"[{forum['name']}]({forumpage})"),
+ ],
+ "footer":{
+ "text":post['created'].isoformat(' '),
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ self.send(payload)