diff options
-rw-r--r--src/APL333.ttfbin0 -> 154080 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/jerma.jpgbin0 -> 21859 bytes
6 files changed, 920 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/list b/list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..707a566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/list
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+character appearance and movement
+room image (bg)
+restrict movement in rooms to areas you are meant to be in
+scrolling around of rooms bigger than screen
+ (visual paralllax effects ????)
+multiple rooms, connections
diff --git a/src/APL333.ttf b/src/APL333.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ad502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/APL333.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/bump.lua b/src/bump.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dabca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bump.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+local bump = {
+ _VERSION = 'bump v3.1.7',
+ _URL = '',
+ _DESCRIPTION = 'A collision detection library for Lua',
+ _LICENSE = [[
+ Copyright (c) 2014 Enrique GarcĂ­a Cota
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ ]]
+-- Auxiliary functions
+local DELTA = 1e-10 -- floating-point margin of error
+local abs, floor, ceil, min, max = math.abs, math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max
+local function sign(x)
+ if x > 0 then return 1 end
+ if x == 0 then return 0 end
+ return -1
+local function nearest(x, a, b)
+ if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x) then return a else return b end
+local function assertType(desiredType, value, name)
+ if type(value) ~= desiredType then
+ error(name .. ' must be a ' .. desiredType .. ', but was ' .. tostring(value) .. '(a ' .. type(value) .. ')')
+ end
+local function assertIsPositiveNumber(value, name)
+ if type(value) ~= 'number' or value <= 0 then
+ error(name .. ' must be a positive integer, but was ' .. tostring(value) .. '(' .. type(value) .. ')')
+ end
+local function assertIsRect(x,y,w,h)
+ assertType('number', x, 'x')
+ assertType('number', y, 'y')
+ assertIsPositiveNumber(w, 'w')
+ assertIsPositiveNumber(h, 'h')
+local defaultFilter = function()
+ return 'slide'
+-- Rectangle functions
+local function rect_getNearestCorner(x,y,w,h, px, py)
+ return nearest(px, x, x+w), nearest(py, y, y+h)
+-- This is a generalized implementation of the liang-barsky algorithm, which also returns
+-- the normals of the sides where the segment intersects.
+-- Returns nil if the segment never touches the rect
+-- Notice that normals are only guaranteed to be accurate when initially ti1, ti2 == -math.huge, math.huge
+local function rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices(x,y,w,h, x1,y1,x2,y2, ti1,ti2)
+ ti1, ti2 = ti1 or 0, ti2 or 1
+ local dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1
+ local nx, ny
+ local nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2 = 0,0,0,0
+ local p, q, r
+ for side = 1,4 do
+ if side == 1 then nx,ny,p,q = -1, 0, -dx, x1 - x -- left
+ elseif side == 2 then nx,ny,p,q = 1, 0, dx, x + w - x1 -- right
+ elseif side == 3 then nx,ny,p,q = 0, -1, -dy, y1 - y -- top
+ else nx,ny,p,q = 0, 1, dy, y + h - y1 -- bottom
+ end
+ if p == 0 then
+ if q <= 0 then return nil end
+ else
+ r = q / p
+ if p < 0 then
+ if r > ti2 then return nil
+ elseif r > ti1 then ti1,nx1,ny1 = r,nx,ny
+ end
+ else -- p > 0
+ if r < ti1 then return nil
+ elseif r < ti2 then ti2,nx2,ny2 = r,nx,ny
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ti1,ti2, nx1,ny1, nx2,ny2
+-- Calculates the minkowsky difference between 2 rects, which is another rect
+local function rect_getDiff(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ return x2 - x1 - w1,
+ y2 - y1 - h1,
+ w1 + w2,
+ h1 + h2
+local function rect_containsPoint(x,y,w,h, px,py)
+ return px - x > DELTA and py - y > DELTA and
+ x + w - px > DELTA and y + h - py > DELTA
+local function rect_isIntersecting(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ return x1 < x2+w2 and x2 < x1+w1 and
+ y1 < y2+h2 and y2 < y1+h1
+local function rect_getSquareDistance(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ local dx = x1 - x2 + (w1 - w2)/2
+ local dy = y1 - y2 + (h1 - h2)/2
+ return dx*dx + dy*dy
+local function rect_detectCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2, goalX, goalY)
+ goalX = goalX or x1
+ goalY = goalY or y1
+ local dx, dy = goalX - x1, goalY - y1
+ local x,y,w,h = rect_getDiff(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ local overlaps, ti, nx, ny
+ if rect_containsPoint(x,y,w,h, 0,0) then -- item was intersecting other
+ local px, py = rect_getNearestCorner(x,y,w,h, 0, 0)
+ local wi, hi = min(w1, abs(px)), min(h1, abs(py)) -- area of intersection
+ ti = -wi * hi -- ti is the negative area of intersection
+ overlaps = true
+ else
+ local ti1,ti2,nx1,ny1 = rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices(x,y,w,h, 0,0,dx,dy, -math.huge, math.huge)
+ -- item tunnels into other
+ if ti1
+ and ti1 < 1
+ and (abs(ti1 - ti2) >= DELTA) -- special case for rect going through another rect's corner
+ and (0 < ti1 + DELTA
+ or 0 == ti1 and ti2 > 0)
+ then
+ ti, nx, ny = ti1, nx1, ny1
+ overlaps = false
+ end
+ end
+ if not ti then return end
+ local tx, ty
+ if overlaps then
+ if dx == 0 and dy == 0 then
+ -- intersecting and not moving - use minimum displacement vector
+ local px, py = rect_getNearestCorner(x,y,w,h, 0,0)
+ if abs(px) < abs(py) then py = 0 else px = 0 end
+ nx, ny = sign(px), sign(py)
+ tx, ty = x1 + px, y1 + py
+ else
+ -- intersecting and moving - move in the opposite direction
+ local ti1, _
+ ti1,_,nx,ny = rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices(x,y,w,h, 0,0,dx,dy, -math.huge, 1)
+ if not ti1 then return end
+ tx, ty = x1 + dx * ti1, y1 + dy * ti1
+ end
+ else -- tunnel
+ tx, ty = x1 + dx * ti, y1 + dy * ti
+ end
+ return {
+ overlaps = overlaps,
+ ti = ti,
+ move = {x = dx, y = dy},
+ normal = {x = nx, y = ny},
+ touch = {x = tx, y = ty},
+ itemRect = {x = x1, y = y1, w = w1, h = h1},
+ otherRect = {x = x2, y = y2, w = w2, h = h2}
+ }
+-- Grid functions
+local function grid_toWorld(cellSize, cx, cy)
+ return (cx - 1)*cellSize, (cy-1)*cellSize
+local function grid_toCell(cellSize, x, y)
+ return floor(x / cellSize) + 1, floor(y / cellSize) + 1
+-- grid_traverse* functions are based on "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing",
+-- by John Amanides and Andrew Woo -
+-- It has been modified to include both cells when the ray "touches a grid corner",
+-- and with a different exit condition
+local function grid_traverse_initStep(cellSize, ct, t1, t2)
+ local v = t2 - t1
+ if v > 0 then
+ return 1, cellSize / v, ((ct + v) * cellSize - t1) / v
+ elseif v < 0 then
+ return -1, -cellSize / v, ((ct + v - 1) * cellSize - t1) / v
+ else
+ return 0, math.huge, math.huge
+ end
+local function grid_traverse(cellSize, x1,y1,x2,y2, f)
+ local cx1,cy1 = grid_toCell(cellSize, x1,y1)
+ local cx2,cy2 = grid_toCell(cellSize, x2,y2)
+ local stepX, dx, tx = grid_traverse_initStep(cellSize, cx1, x1, x2)
+ local stepY, dy, ty = grid_traverse_initStep(cellSize, cy1, y1, y2)
+ local cx,cy = cx1,cy1
+ f(cx, cy)
+ -- The default implementation had an infinite loop problem when
+ -- approaching the last cell in some occassions. We finish iterating
+ -- when we are *next* to the last cell
+ while abs(cx - cx2) + abs(cy - cy2) > 1 do
+ if tx < ty then
+ tx, cx = tx + dx, cx + stepX
+ f(cx, cy)
+ else
+ -- Addition: include both cells when going through corners
+ if tx == ty then f(cx + stepX, cy) end
+ ty, cy = ty + dy, cy + stepY
+ f(cx, cy)
+ end
+ end
+ -- If we have not arrived to the last cell, use it
+ if cx ~= cx2 or cy ~= cy2 then f(cx2, cy2) end
+local function grid_toCellRect(cellSize, x,y,w,h)
+ local cx,cy = grid_toCell(cellSize, x, y)
+ local cr,cb = ceil((x+w) / cellSize), ceil((y+h) / cellSize)
+ return cx, cy, cr - cx + 1, cb - cy + 1
+-- Responses
+local touch = function(world, col, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ return col.touch.x, col.touch.y, {}, 0
+local cross = function(world, col, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ local cols, len = world:project(col.item, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ return goalX, goalY, cols, len
+local slide = function(world, col, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ goalX = goalX or x
+ goalY = goalY or y
+ local tch, move = col.touch, col.move
+ if move.x ~= 0 or move.y ~= 0 then
+ if col.normal.x ~= 0 then
+ goalX = tch.x
+ else
+ goalY = tch.y
+ end
+ end
+ col.slide = {x = goalX, y = goalY}
+ x,y = tch.x, tch.y
+ local cols, len = world:project(col.item, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ return goalX, goalY, cols, len
+local bounce = function(world, col, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ goalX = goalX or x
+ goalY = goalY or y
+ local tch, move = col.touch, col.move
+ local tx, ty = tch.x, tch.y
+ local bx, by = tx, ty
+ if move.x ~= 0 or move.y ~= 0 then
+ local bnx, bny = goalX - tx, goalY - ty
+ if col.normal.x == 0 then bny = -bny else bnx = -bnx end
+ bx, by = tx + bnx, ty + bny
+ end
+ col.bounce = {x = bx, y = by}
+ x,y = tch.x, tch.y
+ goalX, goalY = bx, by
+ local cols, len = world:project(col.item, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ return goalX, goalY, cols, len
+-- World
+local World = {}
+local World_mt = {__index = World}
+-- Private functions and methods
+local function sortByWeight(a,b) return a.weight < b.weight end
+local function sortByTiAndDistance(a,b)
+ if a.ti == b.ti then
+ local ir, ar, br = a.itemRect, a.otherRect, b.otherRect
+ local ad = rect_getSquareDistance(ir.x,ir.y,ir.w,ir.h, ar.x,ar.y,ar.w,ar.h)
+ local bd = rect_getSquareDistance(ir.x,ir.y,ir.w,ir.h, br.x,br.y,br.w,br.h)
+ return ad < bd
+ end
+ return a.ti < b.ti
+local function addItemToCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ self.rows[cy] = self.rows[cy] or setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'})
+ local row = self.rows[cy]
+ row[cx] = row[cx] or {itemCount = 0, x = cx, y = cy, items = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'})}
+ local cell = row[cx]
+ self.nonEmptyCells[cell] = true
+ if not cell.items[item] then
+ cell.items[item] = true
+ cell.itemCount = cell.itemCount + 1
+ end
+local function removeItemFromCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ local row = self.rows[cy]
+ if not row or not row[cx] or not row[cx].items[item] then return false end
+ local cell = row[cx]
+ cell.items[item] = nil
+ cell.itemCount = cell.itemCount - 1
+ if cell.itemCount == 0 then
+ self.nonEmptyCells[cell] = nil
+ end
+ return true
+local function getDictItemsInCellRect(self, cl,ct,cw,ch)
+ local items_dict = {}
+ for cy=ct,ct+ch-1 do
+ local row = self.rows[cy]
+ if row then
+ for cx=cl,cl+cw-1 do
+ local cell = row[cx]
+ if cell and cell.itemCount > 0 then -- no cell.itemCount > 1 because tunneling
+ for item,_ in pairs(cell.items) do
+ items_dict[item] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return items_dict
+local function getCellsTouchedBySegment(self, x1,y1,x2,y2)
+ local cells, cellsLen, visited = {}, 0, {}
+ grid_traverse(self.cellSize, x1,y1,x2,y2, function(cx, cy)
+ local row = self.rows[cy]
+ if not row then return end
+ local cell = row[cx]
+ if not cell or visited[cell] then return end
+ visited[cell] = true
+ cellsLen = cellsLen + 1
+ cells[cellsLen] = cell
+ end)
+ return cells, cellsLen
+local function getInfoAboutItemsTouchedBySegment(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, filter)
+ local cells, len = getCellsTouchedBySegment(self, x1,y1,x2,y2)
+ local cell, rect, l,t,w,h, ti1,ti2, tii0,tii1
+ local visited, itemInfo, itemInfoLen = {},{},0
+ for i=1,len do
+ cell = cells[i]
+ for item in pairs(cell.items) do
+ if not visited[item] then
+ visited[item] = true
+ if (not filter or filter(item)) then
+ rect = self.rects[item]
+ l,t,w,h = rect.x,rect.y,rect.w,rect.h
+ ti1,ti2 = rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices(l,t,w,h, x1,y1, x2,y2, 0, 1)
+ if ti1 and ((0 < ti1 and ti1 < 1) or (0 < ti2 and ti2 < 1)) then
+ -- the sorting is according to the t of an infinite line, not the segment
+ tii0,tii1 = rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices(l,t,w,h, x1,y1, x2,y2, -math.huge, math.huge)
+ itemInfoLen = itemInfoLen + 1
+ itemInfo[itemInfoLen] = {item = item, ti1 = ti1, ti2 = ti2, weight = min(tii0,tii1)}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(itemInfo, sortByWeight)
+ return itemInfo, itemInfoLen
+local function getResponseByName(self, name)
+ local response = self.responses[name]
+ if not response then
+ error(('Unknown collision type: %s (%s)'):format(name, type(name)))
+ end
+ return response
+-- Misc Public Methods
+function World:addResponse(name, response)
+ self.responses[name] = response
+function World:project(item, x,y,w,h, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ assertIsRect(x,y,w,h)
+ goalX = goalX or x
+ goalY = goalY or y
+ filter = filter or defaultFilter
+ local collisions, len = {}, 0
+ local visited = {}
+ if item ~= nil then visited[item] = true end
+ -- This could probably be done with less cells using a polygon raster over the cells instead of a
+ -- bounding rect of the whole movement. Conditional to building a queryPolygon method
+ local tl, tt = min(goalX, x), min(goalY, y)
+ local tr, tb = max(goalX + w, x+w), max(goalY + h, y+h)
+ local tw, th = tr-tl, tb-tt
+ local cl,ct,cw,ch = grid_toCellRect(self.cellSize, tl,tt,tw,th)
+ local dictItemsInCellRect = getDictItemsInCellRect(self, cl,ct,cw,ch)
+ for other,_ in pairs(dictItemsInCellRect) do
+ if not visited[other] then
+ visited[other] = true
+ local responseName = filter(item, other)
+ if responseName then
+ local ox,oy,ow,oh = self:getRect(other)
+ local col = rect_detectCollision(x,y,w,h, ox,oy,ow,oh, goalX, goalY)
+ if col then
+ col.other = other
+ col.item = item
+ col.type = responseName
+ len = len + 1
+ collisions[len] = col
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(collisions, sortByTiAndDistance)
+ return collisions, len
+function World:countCells()
+ local count = 0
+ for _,row in pairs(self.rows) do
+ for _,_ in pairs(row) do
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return count
+function World:hasItem(item)
+ return not not self.rects[item]
+function World:getItems()
+ local items, len = {}, 0
+ for item,_ in pairs(self.rects) do
+ len = len + 1
+ items[len] = item
+ end
+ return items, len
+function World:countItems()
+ local len = 0
+ for _ in pairs(self.rects) do len = len + 1 end
+ return len
+function World:getRect(item)
+ local rect = self.rects[item]
+ if not rect then
+ error('Item ' .. tostring(item) .. ' must be added to the world before getting its rect. Use world:add(item, x,y,w,h) to add it first.')
+ end
+ return rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h
+function World:toWorld(cx, cy)
+ return grid_toWorld(self.cellSize, cx, cy)
+function World:toCell(x,y)
+ return grid_toCell(self.cellSize, x, y)
+--- Query methods
+function World:queryRect(x,y,w,h, filter)
+ assertIsRect(x,y,w,h)
+ local cl,ct,cw,ch = grid_toCellRect(self.cellSize, x,y,w,h)
+ local dictItemsInCellRect = getDictItemsInCellRect(self, cl,ct,cw,ch)
+ local items, len = {}, 0
+ local rect
+ for item,_ in pairs(dictItemsInCellRect) do
+ rect = self.rects[item]
+ if (not filter or filter(item))
+ and rect_isIntersecting(x,y,w,h, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)
+ then
+ len = len + 1
+ items[len] = item
+ end
+ end
+ return items, len
+function World:queryPoint(x,y, filter)
+ local cx,cy = self:toCell(x,y)
+ local dictItemsInCellRect = getDictItemsInCellRect(self, cx,cy,1,1)
+ local items, len = {}, 0
+ local rect
+ for item,_ in pairs(dictItemsInCellRect) do
+ rect = self.rects[item]
+ if (not filter or filter(item))
+ and rect_containsPoint(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, x, y)
+ then
+ len = len + 1
+ items[len] = item
+ end
+ end
+ return items, len
+function World:querySegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, filter)
+ local itemInfo, len = getInfoAboutItemsTouchedBySegment(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, filter)
+ local items = {}
+ for i=1, len do
+ items[i] = itemInfo[i].item
+ end
+ return items, len
+function World:querySegmentWithCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2, filter)
+ local itemInfo, len = getInfoAboutItemsTouchedBySegment(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, filter)
+ local dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1
+ local info, ti1, ti2
+ for i=1, len do
+ info = itemInfo[i]
+ ti1 = info.ti1
+ ti2 = info.ti2
+ info.weight = nil
+ info.x1 = x1 + dx * ti1
+ info.y1 = y1 + dy * ti1
+ info.x2 = x1 + dx * ti2
+ info.y2 = y1 + dy * ti2
+ end
+ return itemInfo, len
+--- Main methods
+function World:add(item, x,y,w,h)
+ local rect = self.rects[item]
+ if rect then
+ error('Item ' .. tostring(item) .. ' added to the world twice.')
+ end
+ assertIsRect(x,y,w,h)
+ self.rects[item] = {x=x,y=y,w=w,h=h}
+ local cl,ct,cw,ch = grid_toCellRect(self.cellSize, x,y,w,h)
+ for cy = ct, ct+ch-1 do
+ for cx = cl, cl+cw-1 do
+ addItemToCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ end
+ end
+ return item
+function World:remove(item)
+ local x,y,w,h = self:getRect(item)
+ self.rects[item] = nil
+ local cl,ct,cw,ch = grid_toCellRect(self.cellSize, x,y,w,h)
+ for cy = ct, ct+ch-1 do
+ for cx = cl, cl+cw-1 do
+ removeItemFromCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ end
+ end
+function World:update(item, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ local x1,y1,w1,h1 = self:getRect(item)
+ w2,h2 = w2 or w1, h2 or h1
+ assertIsRect(x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ if x1 ~= x2 or y1 ~= y2 or w1 ~= w2 or h1 ~= h2 then
+ local cellSize = self.cellSize
+ local cl1,ct1,cw1,ch1 = grid_toCellRect(cellSize, x1,y1,w1,h1)
+ local cl2,ct2,cw2,ch2 = grid_toCellRect(cellSize, x2,y2,w2,h2)
+ if cl1 ~= cl2 or ct1 ~= ct2 or cw1 ~= cw2 or ch1 ~= ch2 then
+ local cr1, cb1 = cl1+cw1-1, ct1+ch1-1
+ local cr2, cb2 = cl2+cw2-1, ct2+ch2-1
+ local cyOut
+ for cy = ct1, cb1 do
+ cyOut = cy < ct2 or cy > cb2
+ for cx = cl1, cr1 do
+ if cyOut or cx < cl2 or cx > cr2 then
+ removeItemFromCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for cy = ct2, cb2 do
+ cyOut = cy < ct1 or cy > cb1
+ for cx = cl2, cr2 do
+ if cyOut or cx < cl1 or cx > cr1 then
+ addItemToCell(self, item, cx, cy)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local rect = self.rects[item]
+ rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h = x2,y2,w2,h2
+ end
+function World:move(item, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ local actualX, actualY, cols, len = self:check(item, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ self:update(item, actualX, actualY)
+ return actualX, actualY, cols, len
+function World:check(item, goalX, goalY, filter)
+ filter = filter or defaultFilter
+ local visited = {[item] = true}
+ local visitedFilter = function(itm, other)
+ if visited[other] then return false end
+ return filter(itm, other)
+ end
+ local cols, len = {}, 0
+ local x,y,w,h = self:getRect(item)
+ local projected_cols, projected_len = self:project(item, x,y,w,h, goalX,goalY, visitedFilter)
+ while projected_len > 0 do
+ local col = projected_cols[1]
+ len = len + 1
+ cols[len] = col
+ visited[col.other] = true
+ local response = getResponseByName(self, col.type)
+ goalX, goalY, projected_cols, projected_len = response(
+ self,
+ col,
+ x, y, w, h,
+ goalX, goalY,
+ visitedFilter
+ )
+ end
+ return goalX, goalY, cols, len
+-- Public library functions
+bump.newWorld = function(cellSize)
+ cellSize = cellSize or 64
+ assertIsPositiveNumber(cellSize, 'cellSize')
+ local world = setmetatable({
+ cellSize = cellSize,
+ rects = {},
+ rows = {},
+ nonEmptyCells = {},
+ responses = {}
+ }, World_mt)
+ world:addResponse('touch', touch)
+ world:addResponse('cross', cross)
+ world:addResponse('slide', slide)
+ world:addResponse('bounce', bounce)
+ return world
+bump.rect = {
+ getNearestCorner = rect_getNearestCorner,
+ getSegmentIntersectionIndices = rect_getSegmentIntersectionIndices,
+ getDiff = rect_getDiff,
+ containsPoint = rect_containsPoint,
+ isIntersecting = rect_isIntersecting,
+ getSquareDistance = rect_getSquareDistance,
+ detectCollision = rect_detectCollision
+bump.responses = {
+ touch = touch,
+ cross = cross,
+ slide = slide,
+ bounce = bounce
+return bump
diff --git a/src/conf.lua b/src/conf.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..756de2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function love.conf(t)
+ t.window.title = "the"
+ t.window.width=640
+ t.window.height=480
diff --git a/src/jerma.jpg b/src/jerma.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bff2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jerma.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main.lua b/src/main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c532a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+local plr={
+ x=250,
+ y=250,
+local bump = require "bump"
+local PL_SPEED = 170
+local PL_SPRINT_SPEED = 280
+local font, title
+local world
+local jerma
+function love.load()
+ font ="APL333.ttf",72)
+ title =, "room A9")
+ jerma ="jerma.jpg")
+ world = bump.newWorld()
+ world:add("player", plr.x, plr.y, 10,10)
+ world:add("jerma", 30,400, 400, 50)
+local function player_movement(dt)
+ local speed =
+ (love.keyboard.isScancodeDown("lshift","rshift") and PL_SPRINT_SPEED or PL_SPEED)
+ local vx = 0
+ local vy = 0
+ if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown('w','up') then vy = vy - 1 end
+ if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown('s','down') then vy = vy + 1 end
+ if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown('a','left') then vx = vx - 1 end
+ if love.keyboard.isScancodeDown('d','right') then vx = vx + 1 end
+ local sf = math.sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy)
+ if sf == 0 then return end
+ vx = vx / sf
+ vy = vy / sf
+ local tx = plr.x + vx * dt * speed
+ local ty = plr.y + vy * dt * speed
+ local ax, ay = world:move("player",tx,ty)
+ plr.x = ax
+ plr.y = ay
+local function draw_player()
+"fill", plr.x,plr.y, 10,10)
+local function draw_room()
+local draw_thing = coroutine.wrap(function()
+ local t = 0
+ local angry = false
+ local tri_a = 100
+ local tri_h = (math.sqrt(3)/2)*tri_a
+ local ell_l = 20
+ local ell_r = 30
+ while true do
+ local theta = t/10
+ local c = math.cos(theta)
+ local s = math.sin(theta)
+ local dist = math.sqrt((420-plr.x)^2 + (240-plr.y)^2)
+ if not angry and dist < 100 then
+ angry = true
+ elseif angry and dist > 200 then
+ angry = false
+ end
+ and {1,0,0,0.8} or {0.7,0,0.5,0.8})
+"line", -tri_a/2,-tri_h/3, tri_a/2,-tri_h/3, 0,2*tri_h/3)
+"line", ell_l*c,ell_l*s, ell_r,2*ell_r)
+"line", -ell_l*c,-ell_l*s, ell_r,2*ell_r)
+ t = t + (angry and 1.8 or 1)
+ coroutine.yield()
+ end
+function draw_jerma()
+ local sx = 400/jerma:getWidth()
+ local sy = 50/jerma:getHeight()
+ local px =
+,30,400, 0, sx,sy)
+function love.update(dt)
+ player_movement(dt)
+function love.draw()
+ --"bees "..plr.x.." "..plr.y,10,10)
+ draw_room()
+ draw_jerma()
+ draw_player()
+ draw_thing()