require"h" head = mkhead("ubq323's website") function l(text,path) return li(a(text,path or "/"..text)) end mainsect = section { p [[hello, i am rebecca, and this is my website. on it are some things:]]; ul { l(",flappy fly bird man?","/ffbm"); l "morrison"; li "blog"; li "microblog"; l("apioforum","//"); l("ubq323 git","//"); l("some music","//"); li "projects"; l("questions","/questions/questions.html"); }; p [[(if a link is missing, it is because i haven't created that thing yet)]] } contact = section { h2 "contact"; p "i enjoy it when people contact me. if you are cool, please contact me."; ul { li [[email:]], li [[xmpp:]], li { [[irc: ubq323 on ]], a("apionet","") }, li [[discord (if you must): ubq323#9691]], li { 'the ', a('questions page','/questions/questions.html') }, }, } footer = safe [[
]] print(html{ head, site_top, mainsect, contact, footer })