import discord import random import re diceroll = re.compile(r"\b((\d+)?d(\d+))\b") client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): print("Logged in") @client.event async def on_message(msg): if == client.user: return matches = diceroll.findall(msg.content) if matches: resp = [] for match in matches: full, count, sides = match count = 1 if count == '' else int(count) sides = int(sides) if sides == 0: return if count > 999 or sides > 9999: resp.append("`{}`: numbers are too big for me :(".format(full)) else: result = 0 rolls = [] for i in range(count): a = random.randint(1, sides) result += a if a == sides: rolls.append("__"+str(a)+"__") else: rolls.append(str(a)) resp.append( "`{}`: `{}`: **{}**".format(full, ", ".join(rolls), result) ) await"\n".join(resp)) if __name__ == "__main__": from os import getenv tok = getenv("DICEBOT_TOKEN", None) if tok is None: print("Set the envvar DICEBOT_TOKEN to your token") else: