use io; use fmt; use endian; use drawing; export type error = !str; export type packet_reader = struct { buf: []u8, good: []u8, }; export fn new() packet_reader = { let pr = packet_reader { buf = alloc([0...],512*512*4*2), // ehhh ... }; pr.good = pr.buf[0..0]; return pr; }; export type packet_type = enum u8 { DRAW_OP, SEND_CHUNK, }; export type packet_drawop = drawing::op; export type packet_sendchunk = []u32; export type packet = (packet_drawop | packet_sendchunk); // call when input is ready. could block otherwise export fn read(pr: *packet_reader, sock: io::handle) (void | io::error | io::EOF) = { const remaining_amt = len(pr.good); const read_pos = if (remaining_amt > 0) { // still some unconsumed content in the buffer // move unconsumed stuff to start of buffer fmt::printfln("moving {} remaining bytes",remaining_amt)!; pr.buf[0..remaining_amt] = pr.good; yield remaining_amt; } else 0z; const nread = match(io::read(sock, pr.buf[read_pos..])?) { case io::EOF => return io::EOF; case let n: size => yield n; }; fmt::printfln("read {} bytes",nread)!; const total_amt = read_pos + nread; pr.good = pr.buf[0..total_amt]; fmt::printfln("now {} bytes in buffer",total_amt)!; }; // packet format: // u32 size // u32 type // [size-8]u8 data... // size includes size of header (size and type fields) export fn next(pr: *packet_reader) (packet | done | error) = { // either parse a full packet out of the front of good, // move good along that many bytes, // and return the packet, // or, ascertain there is no full packet, and return done if (len(pr.good) < size(u32)) return done; const packet_len = endian::legetu32(pr.good[0..4]); if (packet_len < 8) return "packet size field too small": error; if (len(pr.good) < packet_len) return done; const packet_bytes = pr.good[..packet_len]; pr.good = pr.good[packet_len..]; const ty = endian::legetu32(packet_bytes[4..8]): packet_type; switch (ty) { case packet_type::DRAW_OP => const op = drawing::deser_op(packet_bytes[8..]); return op: packet_drawop; case packet_type::SEND_CHUNK => // in an ideal world we would need no copies const totally_necessary_copy = alloc(packet_bytes[8..]...); return totally_necessary_copy: packet_sendchunk; }; }; export fn send_raw(sock: io::file, ty: packet_type, data: []u8) (void | io::error) = { // ehh const header: [8]u8 = [0...]; endian::leputu32(header[0..4], 8u32 + len(data):u32); endian::leputu32(header[4..8], ty); io::writeall(sock, header)?; io::writeall(sock, data)?; }; export fn send(sock: io::file, packet: packet) (void | io::error) = { match (packet) { case let op: packet_drawop => const ser_op = drawing::ser_op(op); defer free(ser_op); send_raw(sock, packet_type::DRAW_OP, ser_op)?; case let chunkdata: packet_sendchunk => abort("not implemented sendchunk yet"); }; };