use sdl2; use fmt; use io; use endian; use math::random; export def CHUNKSIZE = 512; export type pos = (i32, i32); export type picture = struct { // the surface data as u32s d: *[*]u32, w: size, h: size, // position of topleft corner in the world world_pos: pos, }; // Returns array index of the pixel at position pos. // Bounds check happens in here instead of using a slice type, so // that it's easier to remove later. fn pidx(pic: *picture, pos: pos) size = { const (x,y) = pos; const (xs,ys) = (x:size, y:size); assert(0 <= x, "x position must not be less than 0"); assert(0 <= y, "y position must not be less than 0"); assert(xs < pic.w, "x position must be less than picture width"); assert(ys < pic.h, "y position must be less than picture height"); return xs + pic.w*ys; }; export fn pic_set(pic: *picture, pos: pos, val: u32) void = pic.d[pidx(pic,pos)] = val; export fn clear_picture(pic: *picture, color: u32) void = { for (let i = 0z; i < pic.w*pic.h; i+=1) pic.d[i] = color; }; export fn outline_picture(pic: *picture) void = { for (let x = 0; x:size < pic.w; x+=1) { pic_set(pic, (x, 0), 0); pic_set(pic, (x, pic.h:int-1), 0); }; for (let y = 0; y:size < pic.h; y+=1) { pic_set(pic, (0, y), 0); pic_set(pic, (pic.w:int-1, y), 0); }; }; fn min(a: i32, b: i32) i32 = if (a abort("oopsy"); case let o: op_circle => const x = o.pos.0, y=o.pos.1; const r = o.radius; const c = o.color & 0xffffff; for (const pic &.. pictures) { let pos_within_pic = (x - pic.world_pos.0, y - pic.world_pos.1): pos; circle(pic, pos_within_pic, r: i32, c); }; }; };