use fmt; use sdl2; use math; use net; use net::dial; use drawing; use drawing::{pos}; use client::paintui; use unix::poll; use packet_reader; def CHUNKSIZE = 512; def NCHUNKS = 4; export fn main() void = { // sdl init stuff sdl2::SDL_Init(sdl2::SDL_INIT_VIDEO)!; defer sdl2::SDL_Quit(); const win = sdl2::SDL_CreateWindow("hi", sdl2::SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, sdl2::SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 640, 480, sdl2::SDL_WindowFlags::NONE)!; defer sdl2::SDL_DestroyWindow(win); const wsurf = sdl2::SDL_GetWindowSurface(win)!; // create 4 pictures. later we will have more pictures // but for now there are just 4, and they are at fixed positions const offs: [_]pos = [ (0,0), (0,CHUNKSIZE), (CHUNKSIZE,0), (CHUNKSIZE,CHUNKSIZE), ]; let pictures: []drawing::picture = alloc([],NCHUNKS); let picture_surfaces: []*sdl2::SDL_Surface = alloc([], NCHUNKS); for (let i = 0z; i < NCHUNKS; i +=1){ const surf = sdl2::SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, CHUNKSIZE, CHUNKSIZE, 32, 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0)!; append(picture_surfaces, surf); append(pictures, picture_from_surface(surf, offs[i])); }; for (const p &.. pictures) drawing::clear_picture(p, 0xffffff); // connect to server const conn = match(dial::dial("tcp","localhost","41460")) { case let c: net::socket => yield c; case let err: net::error => fmt::fatal("couldn't connect to server:",net::strerror(err)); }; const pollfd: [1]poll::pollfd = [ poll::pollfd { fd = conn, events=poll::event::POLLIN, revents = 0 }]; const packet_reader = packet_reader::new(); // paintui state let pstate = paintui::state { ... }; let camera_pos: pos = (25, 50); let quit = false; let n = 0; let lasttime = sdl2::SDL_GetTicks(); // in WORLD coords let mouse_pos: pos = (0,0); let mouse_down = false; for (!quit) { let ev = sdl2::event { ... }; for (sdl2::SDL_PollEvent(&ev)! == 1) switch (ev.event_type) { case sdl2::SDL_EventType::QUIT => quit = true; case sdl2::SDL_EventType::KEYDOWN => const keysym = ev.key.keysym.sym; if (keysym == sdl2::SDL_Keycode::ESCAPE) quit = true; case sdl2::SDL_EventType::MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, sdl2::SDL_EventType::MOUSEBUTTONUP => const edata = ev.button; mouse_pos = (edata.x + camera_pos.0, edata.y + camera_pos.1); if (edata.button == 1) mouse_down = (edata.state == 1); case sdl2::SDL_EventType::MOUSEMOTION => const edata = ev.motion; mouse_pos = (edata.x + camera_pos.0, edata.y + camera_pos.1); case => void; }; do_movement(&camera_pos); match (paintui::tick(&pstate, mouse_pos, mouse_down)) { case void => yield; case let op: drawing::op => drawing::perform(pictures, op); drawing::send_op(conn, op)!; }; const n = poll::poll(pollfd, poll::NONBLOCK)!; if (n > 0) { fmt::println("data available")!; packet_reader::read(&packet_reader, conn)!; for (const packet_bytes => packet_reader::next(&packet_reader)) { const op = drawing::deser_op(packet_bytes); drawing::perform(pictures, op); }; }; for (let i = 0z; i < len(pictures); i += 1) { const psurf = picture_surfaces[i]; const pic = &pictures[i]; render_picture(pic, psurf, wsurf, camera_pos); }; sdl2::SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(win)!; n += 1; sdl2::SDL_Delay(1000/60); }; }; fn picture_from_surface(surf: *sdl2::SDL_Surface, world_pos: pos) drawing::picture = drawing::picture { w = surf.w: size, h = surf.h: size, d = (surf.pixels as *opaque: *[*]u32), world_pos = world_pos, }; fn render_picture(pic: *drawing::picture, surf: *sdl2::SDL_Surface, winsurf: *sdl2::SDL_Surface, camera_pos: pos) void = { sdl2::SDL_BlitSurface(surf, null, winsurf, &sdl2::SDL_Rect{ x = pic.world_pos.0 - camera_pos.0, y = pic.world_pos.1 - camera_pos.1, ... })!; }; def SPEED = 17; def DIAG_SPEED = 12; // thereabouts fn do_movement(pos: *pos) void = { const kb = sdl2::SDL_GetKeyboardState(); let dx = 0; let dy = 0; if (kb[sdl2::SDL_Scancode::W]) dy -= 1; if (kb[sdl2::SDL_Scancode::S]) dy += 1; if (kb[sdl2::SDL_Scancode::A]) dx -= 1; if (kb[sdl2::SDL_Scancode::D]) dx += 1; let speed = SPEED; if (dx != 0 && dy != 0) speed = DIAG_SPEED; pos.0 += dx * speed; pos.1 += dy * speed; };