diff options
authorubq323 <>2024-06-18 22:46:31 +0100
committerubq323 <>2024-06-18 22:46:31 +0100
commit3a6c6b00eb4c62b24c5e5ca670142ac5a00d7847 (patch)
6 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conflicts.txt b/conflicts.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7a968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conflicts.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+soup: bean soup, tomato soup, squash soup
+curry: chickpea curry, mj curry
+potato: mash, jacket beans
+greens: ramen, fast ramen, stir fry
+tomato: tomato soup, mj spghet, mj curry
+meat: chilli, gurger
+beans: bean soup, chilli
+bean soup: soup, beans
+tomato soup: soup, tomato
+squash soup: soup
+chickpea curry: curry
+mj curry: curry, tomato
+mash: potato
+jacket beans: potato
+ramen: greens
+fast ramen: greens
+stir fry: greens
+mj spghet: tomato
+chilli: meat, beans
+gurger: meat
diff --git a/conflicts_orig.txt b/conflicts_orig.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92998e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conflicts_orig.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+bean soup: tomato soup, squash soup, bean soup, chilli
+chickpea curry: mj curry, chickpea curry
+chilli: chilli, gurger
+fast ramen: fast ramen, ramen
+gurger: jacket beans, chilli, gurger
+jacket beans: jacket beans, mash, gurger
+mash: jacket beans, mash
+mj curry: mj spghet, mj curry, tomato soup, mj penne, chickpea curry
+mj penne: mj spghet, mj curry, tomato soup, mj penne
+mj spghet: mj spghet, mj curry, tomato soup, mj penne
+ramen: fast ramen, ramen
+squash soup: tomato soup, squash soup, bean soup
+stir fry: stir fry, fast ramen, ramen
+tomato soup: tomato soup, squash soup, bean soup, mj spghet, mj curry
+vesto/egg: vesto/egg
diff --git a/foods.lua b/foods.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663e3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foods.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+local foods = {}
+local function f(name,tags,ing)
+ table.insert(foods,{
+ name=name,
+ tags=tags,
+ ing=ing or {},
+ })
+f('mj spghet',{'tomato'},{
+ broccoli=.5,
+ passata=1,
+ spaghetti=.3})
+f('mj curry',{'curry','tomato'},{
+ broccoli=.5,
+ passata=1,
+ rice=.3})
+f('stir fry',{'greens'},{
+ kale=.3,
+ broccoli=.5,
+ noodles=1.5,
+ sweetcorn=.5,
+ mangetout=.5})
+f('jacket beans',{'potato'},{
+ potatoes=5,
+ beans=2})
+ potatoes=5,
+ peas=.3})
+ egg=2,
+ vesto=.5,
+ ['black beans']=1,
+ spaghetti=.2})
+f('fast ramen',{'greens'},{
+ ['instant ramen']=2,
+ broccoli=.5,
+ sweetcorn=.5})
+ ['ramen ingredients']=1})
+f('tomato soup',{'soup','tomato'},{
+ ['tinned tomatoes']=3,
+ ['coconut milk']=1,
+ garlic=.5})
+f('squash soup',{'soup'},{
+ squash=1,
+ onion=1,
+ garlic=.5,
+ ['vegetable stock']=.15,
+ ['coconut milk']=1})
+f('bean soup',{'soup','beans'},{
+ onion=1,
+ garlic=.5,
+ pepper=1,
+ ['black beans']=3,
+ ['tinned tomatoes']=1,
+ ['vegetable stock']=.15,
+ lime=1})
+ ['bean burger']=2,
+ ['minced meat']=.25,
+ chips=1,
+ egg=1,
+ bun=4})
+f('chickpea curry',{'curry','chickpea'},{
+ chickpea=2,
+ ['chopped tomato']=2,
+ lemon=1,
+ onion=2,
+ garlic=.5,
+ ginger=.5,
+ chilli=1})
+f('chickpea thing',{'chickpea'},{
+ chickpea=1,
+ garlic=.5,
+ ginger=.5,
+ chilli=1,
+ rice=.3,
+ pizza=2,
+f('daniel beans',{},{
+ ['black beans']=1,
+ pepper=.5,
+ garlic=.5,
+ rice=.3,
+return foods
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..840d987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+$GLOBALS["days"]= array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat","Sun");
+$GLOBALS["meals"] = array("*" ,"mj spghet", "mj curry","chilli",
+ "stir fry","jacket beans","mash",
+ "vesto/egg", "fast ramen", "ramen",
+ "tomato soup","squash soup","bean soup",
+ "gurger", "mj penne","chickpea curry");
+$GLOBALS["conflicts"] = [[],[1,2,10,14],[1,2,10,14,15],[3,13],
+ [4,8,9],[5,6,13],[5,6],
+ [7],[8,9],[8,9],
+ [10,11,12,1,2],[10,11,12],[10,11,12,3],
+ [5,3,13],[1,2,10,14], [2,15]];
+// 3-4x tinned tomatoes
+// olive oil (ideally)
+// 2x tins coconut milk
+// garlic
+// herbs (oregano, basil, thyme(?), rosemary(??), sage(???))
+// tomato puree
+$GLOBALS["mealingredients"] = [
+ 0 => [],
+ 1 => ["brocolli" => .5,
+ "passata" => 1,
+ "spaghetti" => .3],
+ 2 => ["brocolli" => .5,
+ "passata" => 1,
+ "rice" => .3],
+ 3 => [],
+ 4 => ["kale" => .3,
+ "pak choi" => .5,
+ "brocolli" => .5,
+ "rice" => .3,
+ "sweetcorn" => .5,
+ "mangetout" => .5],
+ 5 => ["potatoes" => 5,
+ "beans" => 2],
+ 6 => ["potatoes" => 5,
+ "peas" => .3],
+ 7 => ["egg" => 2,
+ "vesto" => .5,
+ "black beans" => 1,
+ "spaghetti" => .2],
+ 8 => ["instant ramen" => 2,
+ "brocolli" => .5,
+ "sweetcorn" => .5],
+ 9 => ["noodles" => .5,
+ "pak choi" => .5,
+ "brocolli" => .5,
+ "chilli" => .5,
+ "sweetcorn" => .5,
+ "mangetout" => .5,
+ "garlic" => 1
+ ],
+ 10 => ["tinned tomatoes" => 3,
+ "coconut milk" => 1,
+ "garlic" => .5],
+ 11 => ["squash" => 1,
+ "onion" => 1,
+ "garlic" => .5,
+ "vegetable stock" => .15,
+ "coconut milk" => 1],
+ 12 => ["onion" => 1,
+ "garlic" => .5,
+ "pepper" => 1,
+ "black beans" => 3,
+ "tinned tomatoes" => 1,
+ "vegetable stock" => .15,
+ "lime" => 1],
+ 13 => ["bean burger"=>2,
+ "minced meat" => .25,
+ "chips" => 1,
+ "egg" => 1,
+ "bun" => 4],
+ 14 => ["brocolli" => .5,
+ "passata" => 1,
+ "penne" => .5],
+ 15 => ["chickpea" => 2,
+ "chopped tomato" => 2,
+ "lemon" => 1,
+ "onion" => 2,
+ "garlic" => .5,
+ "ginger" => .5,
+ "chilli" => 1]
+$GLOBALS["ingredientsList"] = [];
+$GLOBALS["ingredients"] = [];
+$GLOBALS["allowance"] = [999,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2];
+for($i =0;$i<14;$i++){
+ if ($_POST[$i]==""){
+ $_POST[$i]=0;
+ }
+ $GLOBALS["allowance"][$_POST[$i]]-=1;
+function genSel($dayNum,$meal){
+ $p = (int)$_POST[$dayNum*2+$meal];
+ $dm = $dayNum*2 + $meal;
+ $o = "<select name= \"" . ($dm) . "\" id=" . ($dm) . ">";
+ $incompat = [];
+ for($i=max(0,$dm-1);$i<=min($dm+1,13); $i++){
+ $incompat = array_merge($incompat,$GLOBALS["conflicts"][$_POST[$i]]);
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($GLOBALS["meals"]); $i++) {
+ if(($_POST[$dm]=="" || !in_array($i,$incompat)) && $GLOBALS["allowance"][$i]>0){
+ $o = $o . "<option value=" . $i . ">" . $GLOBALS["meals"][$i] . "</option>";
+ }else if($p==$i){
+ $o = $o . "<option selected=\"selected\" value=" . $i . ">" . $GLOBALS["meals"][$i] . "</option>";
+ }
+ }
+ return $o . "</select>";
+function genRow($dayNum){
+ return "<tr><th>" . $GLOBALS["days"][($dayNum+5) % 7] . "</th><th>" . genSel($dayNum,0) . "</th><th>" . genSel($dayNum,1) . "</th></tr>";
+for($i =0;$i<14;$i++){
+ foreach($GLOBALS["mealingredients"][$_POST[$i]] as $key => $val){
+ if(isset($GLOBALS["ingredients"][$key])){
+ $GLOBALS["ingredients"][$key] += $val;
+ }else{
+ $GLOBALS["ingredients"][$key] = $val;
+ }
+ }
+<html class="no-js" lang="">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
+ <title>Food solver</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ <!-- Place favicon.ico in the root directory -->
+ <style>
+ th {text-align: left;}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body onload="">
+ <!--[if lt IE 8]>
+ <p class="browserupgrade">
+ You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please
+ <a href="">upgrade your browser</a> to improve
+ your experience.
+ </p>
+ <![endif]-->
+ <form method="post">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">\</th>
+ <th scope="col">Lunch</th>
+ <th scope="col">Dinner</th>
+ </tr>
+ <?php
+ for($x = 0;$x<7; $x++){
+ echo genRow($x % 7);
+ }
+ ?>
+ </table>
+ <input type="submit" class="button" value="Check" name="submit" />
+ <input type="submit" class="button" value="Print" name="submit" />
+ </form>
+ <?php
+ if($_POST["submit"]=="Print"){
+ echo "<table><tr><th>Ingredient</th><th>Qty</th></tr>";
+ foreach($GLOBALS["ingredients"] as $key => $val){
+ echo "<tr><th>" . $key . "</th><th>" . $val . "</th></tr>";
+ }
+ echo "</table>";
+ }
+ ?>
+ </body>
diff --git a/page.cgi b/page.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6743f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/page.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+local foods = require'foods'
+local qs = require'qs'
+local days = {
+ "mon","tue","wed","thu","fri","sat","sun"
+print"Content-type: text/html"
+local prev_foods = {}
+local Q = {}
+if os.getenv'REQUEST_METHOD' == 'POST' then
+ Q = qs.parse_qs(
+ local log = assert("/home/rebecca/pr/food/LOG", "a+"))
+ log:write("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
+ for i=0,13 do
+ local prev_food = assert(tonumber(Q[tostring(i)]))
+ prev_foods[i] = prev_food
+ log:write(" "..prev_food)
+ end
+ log:write("\n")
+ log:close()
+ for i=0,13 do
+ prev_foods[i] = 1
+ end
+local counts = {}
+for i = 0,13 do
+ counts[i] = (counts[i] or 0) + 1
+local start_day = tonumber(Q.start or 1)
+local function ok(fi, si)
+ return true
+local function sel(sel_ix)
+ local opts = {}
+ for food_ix,food in ipairs(foods) do
+ if food_ix == prev_foods[sel_ix] then
+ table.insert(opts,
+ '<option selected value='..food_ix..'>'
+ .. food_ix .. ' ' .. .. '</option>'
+ )
+ elseif ok(food_ix, sel_ix) then
+ table.insert(opts,
+ '<option '..'value='..food_ix..'>'
+ .. food_ix .. ' ' .. .. '</option>'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ return '<select name='..sel_ix..'>'
+ .. table.concat(opts,'\n') .. '</select>'
+local function row(n)
+ local d = 1+((n+start_day-1)%7)
+ return '<tr>'
+ .. '<th>' .. days[d] .. '</th>'
+ .. '<td>' .. sel(2*n) .. '</td>'
+ .. '<td>' .. sel(2*n+1) .. '</td>'
+<form method=post>
+<label for=start>start on:</label>
+<select id=start name=start>
+for i,d in ipairs(days) do
+ local s = i == start_day and 'selected ' or ''
+ print('<option '..s..'value='..i..'>'..d..'</option>')
+ <th>\</th>
+ <th>lunch</th>
+ <th>dinner</th>
+for n=0,6 do print(row(n)) end
+<input type=submit value=check name=submit>
+local ings = {}
+for _,fx in pairs(prev_foods) do
+ local food = foods[fx]
+ for k,v in pairs(foods[fx].ing) do
+ ings[k] = (ings[k] or 0) + v
+ end
+local i2 = {}
+for k,v in pairs(ings) do
+ table.insert(i2,k)
+for _,g in ipairs(i2) do
+ print('<dt>'..g..'</dt>')
+ print('<dd>'..ings[g]..'x</dd>')
+for _,g in ipairs(i2) do
+ print(g..', ')
diff --git a/qs.lua b/qs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70484b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+-- querystring and post body parsing
+local function urldecode(s)
+ return s:gsub('+',' ')
+ :gsub('%%(%x%x)',function(x)
+ return string.char(tonumber(x,16))
+ end)
+local function parse_qs(s)
+ local ix = 1
+ local res = {}
+ while true do
+ local _,next_ix,ek,ev = s:find("([^=]+)=([^&]*)&?",ix)
+ if not ek then break end
+ local k,v = urldecode(ek), urldecode(ev)
+ res[k] = v
+ ix = next_ix + 1
+ end
+ return res
+return {
+ urldecode = urldecode,
+ parse_qs = parse_qs,