import urllib import abc import json from .db import get_db from flask import url_for, flash def abridge(text,maxlen=20): if len(text) > maxlen+3: return text[:maxlen]+"..." else: return text webhook_types = {} def webhook_type(t): def inner(cls): webhook_types[t] = cls return cls return inner class WebhookType(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, url, wh_id): self.url = url self.wh_id = wh_id @abc.abstractmethod def on_new_thread(self,thread): pass @abc.abstractmethod def on_new_post(self,post): pass def get_webhooks(forum_id): db = get_db() # todo inheritance (if needed) webhooks = db.execute("select * from webhooks where = ?;",(forum_id,)).fetchall() for wh in webhooks: wh_type = wh['type'] if wh_type not in webhook_types: print(f"unknown webhook type {wh_type}") continue wh_url = wh['url'] wo = webhook_types[wh_type](wh_url, wh['id']) yield wo def do_webhooks_thread(forum_id,thread): for wh in get_webhooks(forum_id): try: wh.on_new_thread(thread) except Exception as e: #raise e flash(f"error executing webhook with id {wh.wh_id}") def do_webhooks_post(forum_id,post): for wh in get_webhooks(forum_id): try: wh.on_new_post(post) except Exception as e: #raise e flash(f"error executing webhook with id {wh.wh_id}") @webhook_type("fake") class FakeWebhook(WebhookType): def on_new_post(self, post): print(f'fake wh {self.url} post {post["id"]}') def on_new_thread(self, thread): print(f'fake wh {self.url} thread {thread["id"]}') @webhook_type("discord") class DiscordWebhook(WebhookType): def send(self,payload): headers = { "User-Agent":"apioforum (, v0.0)", "Content-Type":"application/json", } req = urllib.request.Request( self.url, json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"), headers ) # todo: read response and things urllib.request.urlopen(req) #try: # res = urllib.request.urlopen(req) #except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: # print(f"error {e.code} {}") #else: # print(f"succ {}") @staticmethod def field(name,value): return {"name":name,"value":value,"inline":True} def on_new_thread(self,thread): f = self.field db = get_db() forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone() username = thread['creator'] userpage = url_for('user.view_user',username=username,_external=True) forumpage = url_for('forum.view_forum',forum_id=forum['id'],_external=True) post = db.execute("select * from posts where thread = ? order by id asc limit 1",(thread['id'],)).fetchone() payload = { "username":"apioforum", "avatar_url":"", "embeds":[ { "title":"new thread: "+thread['title'], "description":abridge(post['content']), "url": url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread['id'],_external=True), "color": 0xff00ff, "fields":[ f('author',f"[{username}]({userpage})"), f('forum',f"[{forum['name']}]({forumpage})"), ], "footer":{ "text":thread['created'].isoformat(' '), }, }, ], } self.send(payload) def on_new_post(self,post): from .thread import post_jump f = self.field db = get_db() thread = db.execute("select * from threads where id = ?",(post['thread'],)).fetchone() threadpage = url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread['id'],_external=True) forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone() forumpage = url_for('forum.view_forum',forum_id=forum['id'],_external=True) username = post['author'] userpage = url_for('user.view_user',username=username,_external=True) payload = { "username":"apioforum", "avatar_url":"", "embeds":[ { "title":"re: "+thread['title'], "description":abridge(post['content']), "url": post_jump(post['id'],external=True), "color": 0x00ffff, "fields":[ f('author',f"[{username}]({userpage})"), f('thread',f"[{thread['title']}]({threadpage})"), f('forum',f"[{forum['name']}]({forumpage})"), ], "footer":{ "text":post['created'].isoformat(' '), }, }, ], } self.send(payload) @webhook_type("apionet") class ApionetWebhook(WebhookType): MAXMSGLEN = 420 # using 'url' as path of socket to send to. def send(self,payload): import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.sendto(payload.encode("utf-8"),self.url) s.close() def append_url(self,rest,url): ub = url.encode("utf-8") max_rlen = self.MAXMSGLEN - len(ub) - 1 while len(rest.encode("utf-8")) > max_rlen: # chop off characters until short enough rest = rest[:-1] return rest + " " + url def on_new_thread(self,thread): # copy paste from above. the great refactor will fix this all db = get_db() forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone() username = thread['creator'][:30] post = db.execute("select * from posts where thread = ? order by id asc limit 1",(thread['id'],)).fetchone() url = url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread['id'],_external=True) p = "" if forum['id'] != 1: p = f" in {forum['name']}" payload = f"new thread{p}: [{abridge(thread['title'],50)}] {username}: {abridge(post['content'],75)}" self.send(self.append_url(payload,"("+url+")")) def on_new_post(self,post): from .thread import post_jump db = get_db() thread = db.execute("select * from threads where id = ?",(post['thread'],)).fetchone() forum = db.execute("select * from forums where id = ?",(thread['forum'],)).fetchone() username = post['author'][:30] url = post_jump(post['id'],external=True) payload = f"[{abridge(thread['title'],50)}] {username}: {abridge(post['content'],75)}" self.send(self.append_url(payload,"("+url+")"))