# view threads in a forum # currently there is only ever one forum however from flask import ( Blueprint, render_template, request, g, redirect, url_for, flash ) from .db import get_db bp = Blueprint("forum", __name__, url_prefix="/") @bp.route("/") def view_forum(): db = get_db() threads = db.execute( """SELECT threads.id, threads.title, threads.creator, threads.created, threads.updated, count(posts.id) as num_replies, max(posts.id), posts.author as last_user FROM threads INNER JOIN posts ON posts.thread = threads.id GROUP BY threads.id ORDER BY threads.updated DESC; """).fetchall() return render_template("view_forum.html",threads=threads) @bp.route("/create_thread",methods=("GET","POST")) def create_thread(): db = get_db() if g.user is None: flash("you need to be logged in to create a thread") return redirect(url_for('index')) if request.method == "POST": title = request.form['title'] content = request.form['content'] err = None if len(title.strip()) == 0 or len(content.strip()) == 0: err = "title and content can't be empty" if err is None: cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO threads (title,creator,created,updated) VALUES (?,?,current_timestamp,current_timestamp);", (title,g.user) ) thread_id = cur.lastrowid cur.execute( "INSERT INTO posts (thread,created,author,content) VALUES (?,current_timestamp,?,?);", (thread_id,g.user,content) ) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('thread.view_thread',thread_id=thread_id)) flash(err) return render_template("create_thread.html")