import sqlite3 import click from flask import current_app, g from flask.cli import with_appcontext def get_db(): if 'db' not in g: g.db = sqlite3.connect( current_app.config['DATABASE'], detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row g.db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;") return g.db def close_db(e=None): db = g.pop('db', None) if db is not None: db.close() migrations = [ """ CREATE TABLE users ( username TEXT PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT NOT NULL );""", """ CREATE TABLE threads ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL, creator TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES users(username), created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE posts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT, thread INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES threads(id), author TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES users(username), created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX posts_thread_idx ON posts (thread); """, """ ALTER TABLE posts ADD COLUMN edited INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE posts ADD COLUMN updated TIMESTAMP; """, """ CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE posts_fts USING fts5( content, content=posts, content_rowid=id, tokenize='porter unicode61 remove_diacritics 2' ); INSERT INTO posts_fts (rowid, content) SELECT id, content FROM posts; CREATE TRIGGER posts_ai AFTER INSERT ON posts BEGIN INSERT INTO posts_fts(rowid, content) VALUES (, new.content); END; CREATE TRIGGER posts_ad AFTER DELETE ON posts BEGIN INSERT INTO posts_fts(posts_fts, rowid, content) VALUES('delete',, old.content); END; CREATE TRIGGER posts_au AFTER UPDATE ON posts BEGIN INSERT INTO posts_fts(posts_fts, rowid, content) VALUES('delete',, old.content); INSERT INTO posts_fts(rowid, content) VALUES (, new.content); END; """, """ CREATE TABLE tags ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, text_colour TEXT NOT NULL, bg_colour TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE thread_tags ( thread INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES threads(id), tag INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tags(id) ); """, """CREATE INDEX thread_tags_thread ON thread_tags (thread);""", """ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN admin INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0""", """ ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN bio TEXT; ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN joined TIMESTAMP; """, """ CREATE TABLE polls ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE threads ADD COLUMN poll INTEGER REFERENCES polls(id); CREATE TABLE poll_options ( poll INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES polls(id), text TEXT NOT NULL, option_idx INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( poll, option_idx ) ); CREATE TABLE votes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES users(username), poll INTEGER NOT NULL, option_idx INTEGER, time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, current INTEGER NOT NULL, is_retraction INTEGER, CHECK (is_retraction OR (option_idx NOT NULL)), FOREIGN KEY ( poll, option_idx ) REFERENCES poll_options(poll, option_idx) ); ALTER TABLE posts ADD COLUMN vote INTEGER REFERENCES votes(id); """, """ CREATE VIEW vote_counts AS SELECT poll, option_idx, count(*) AS num FROM votes WHERE current GROUP BY option_idx,poll; """, """ CREATE TABLE forums ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, parent INTEGER REFERENCES forums(id), description TEXT ); INSERT INTO forums (name,parent,description) values ('apioforum',null, 'welcome to the apioforum\n\n' || 'forum rules: do not be a bad person. do not do bad things.'); PRAGMA foreign_keys = off; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE threads_new ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL, creator TEXT NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, forum NOT NULL REFERENCES forums(id), poll INTEGER REFERENCES polls(id) ); INSERT INTO threads_new (id,title,creator,created,updated,forum) SELECT id,title,creator,created,updated,1 FROM threads; DROP TABLE threads; ALTER TABLE threads_new RENAME TO threads; COMMIT; PRAGMA foreign_keys = on; """, """ CREATE VIEW most_recent_posts AS SELECT max(id), * FROM posts GROUP BY thread; CREATE VIEW number_of_posts AS SELECT thread, count(*) AS num_replies FROM posts GROUP BY thread; """, """ CREATE VIEW total_vote_counts AS SELECT poll, count(*) AS total_votes FROM votes WHERE current AND NOT is_retraction GROUP BY poll; """, """ PRAGMA foreign_keys = off; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE tags_new ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, text_colour TEXT NOT NULL, bg_colour TEXT NOT NULL, forum INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES forums(id) ); INSERT INTO tags_new (id,name,text_colour,bg_colour,forum) SELECT id,name,text_colour,bg_colour,1 FROM tags; DROP TABLE tags; ALTER TABLE tags_new RENAME TO tags; PRAGMA foreign_keys = on; """, """ CREATE TABLE role_config ( role TEXT NOT NULL, forum NOT NULL REFERENCES forums(id), id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, p_create_threads INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, p_reply_threads INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, p_view_threads INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, p_manage_threads INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, p_delete_posts INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, p_vote INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, p_create_polls INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, p_approve INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, p_create_subforum INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); INSERT INTO role_config (role,forum) VALUES ("approved",1); INSERT INTO role_config (role,forum) VALUES ("other",1); """, """ CREATE TABLE role_assignments ( user NOT NULL REFERENCES users(username), forum NOT NULL REFERENCES forums(id), role TEXT NOT NULL ); """, """ ALTER TABLE posts ADD COLUMN deleted NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """, """ ALTER TABLE forums ADD COLUMN unlisted NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """, """ ALTER TABLE role_config ADD COLUMN p_view_forum INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1; """, """ CREATE TABLE webhooks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL, forum INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES forums(id) );""", """ CREATE VIEW public_forums AS SELECT as id, COALESCE(r.p_view_forum,1) as public FROM forums f LEFT JOIN role_config r ON = AND r.role='other'; CREATE VIEW forum_thread_of_post AS SELECT as p_id, as t_id, as f_id FROM posts p JOIN threads t on p.thread = JOIN forums f on =; CREATE VIEW public_posts AS SELECT AS id, b.public AS public FROM posts p JOIN forum_thread_of_post h ON JOIN public_forums b ON; """, ] def init_db(): db = get_db() version = db.execute("PRAGMA user_version;").fetchone()[0] for i in range(version, len(migrations)): db.executescript(migrations[i]) db.execute(f"PRAGMA user_version = {i+1}") db.commit() click.echo(f"migration {i}") @click.command("migrate") @with_appcontext def migrate_command(): """update database scheme etc""" init_db() click.echo("ok") def init_app(app): app.teardown_appcontext(close_db) app.cli.add_command(migrate_command)