local bump = require "bump" local player = require "player" local mansion = {} local world = bump.newWorld() mansion.world=world local draw_thing = coroutine.wrap(function() local t = 0 local angry = false local tri_a = 100 local tri_h = (math.sqrt(3)/2)*tri_a local ell_l = 20 local ell_r = 30 while true do local theta = t/10 local c = math.cos(theta) local s = math.sin(theta) local dist = math.sqrt((420-player.x)^2 + (240-player.y)^2) if not angry and dist < 100 then angry = true elseif angry and dist > 200 then angry = false end love.graphics.push() love.graphics.translate(420,240) love.graphics.push() love.graphics.setLineWidth(10) love.graphics.setColor(angry and {1,0,0,0.8} or {0.7,0,0.5,0.8}) love.graphics.rotate(-theta/1.618) love.graphics.polygon("line", -tri_a/2,-tri_h/3, tri_a/2,-tri_h/3, 0,2*tri_h/3) love.graphics.pop() love.graphics.setLineWidth(7) love.graphics.setColor(0.8,0.8,0,0.7) love.graphics.ellipse("line", ell_l*c,ell_l*s, ell_r,2*ell_r) love.graphics.setColor(0,0.8,0.8,0.7) love.graphics.ellipse("line", -ell_l*c,-ell_l*s, ell_r,2*ell_r) love.graphics.pop() t = t + (angry and 1.8 or 1) coroutine.yield() end end) local font,title,jerma function mansion.load() font = love.graphics.newFont("APL333.ttf",72) title = love.graphics.newText(font,"mansion") jerma = love.graphics.newImage("jerma.jpg") world:add("jerma", 30,400, 400,50) end local function draw_jerma() love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) local sx = 400 / jerma:getWidth() local sy = 50 / jerma:getHeight() love.graphics.draw(jerma, 30,400, 0, sx,sy) end function mansion.draw() love.graphics.setColor(0.8,0.8,0.8) love.graphics.setLineWidth(10) love.graphics.rectangle("line",30,80,580,370) love.graphics.draw(title,610-title:getWidth(),-10) draw_thing() draw_jerma() end return mansion